Buying a second hand Landcruiser with a 2H engine?

Things to watch when looking at a second hand Landcruiser with a? 2H engine.

Check the Glo-plugs Try not to warn the seller of visit to view the vehicle. to allow them to? warm the engine up prior to there.

Injector tips can be a hassle with high kilometre land cruisers – puffy smokers at idle might indicate that. They also set up a distinct bell-like sound at idel

Lots of the other strange little problems they have in order to an increased level of problems , but a spanner or two can fix lots of problems – like problems with the seals of the pump.

Oil where air ought to be – one bolt for that on the injector pump for that.

Diesel getting past the front pump seal is a touch of harder to check.

As well as usual bad Toyota trick of letting the front differrential oil in to the wheel bearings. That may be turn lets the swivel pin bearings burfield joints

designed to promote Grease stuff up accessories and similar matters.

Look for oil seepage near the outer seals/FW Hubs.

Alsothey are justly famous for pumping all the oil from your transfer case – which needless to say they hide in the gearbox. Effect can be a f.cked

transfer case and gearbox seals, either.

There is a operational cure referred to as a heart bypass done by some certainly where an

sturdy (ought to be Hydraulic pressure hose) pipe and fittings set is adapted to drain oil above the gearbox filler here we are at the transfer case filler.

Works a treat – one too on the washing machine is a sure sign that a person gave a care about it.

Some high milers dump too much oil past worn rockers making the engine conk-out just after starting due low oil pressure.

They are able to duplicate that problem having a stuffed timer relay, too.

Its very hard to find out a big difference because Toyota seems to be have over-damped the oil pressure gauges.

As well drunk driving charge a chance, get at the oil pressure sender lower RHS belonging to the engine and yank the plug off. (bit hazy n whether or not this should be earthed

to stop the engine – I think not – that O/C does it – on the other hand get the idea. The engine should either stop, or even otherwise start if it was stopped when you played. Yes, burn up 600 they do have a low oil pressure cut-off system but it is not hard to defeat to disguise a damaged engine.

The brake master cylinder will likely be stuffed

Since they don’t make much power anyway,? but a little hill should see or perhaps a engine actually hangs on it’s torque-peak properly – merely takes a simple good 2H can do well that.